The chance to gather with other professionals in Geelong. I found it extremely enjoyable and can’t wait for the next event.
— Alice Fraser
The chance to gather with other professionals in Geelong. I found it extremely enjoyable and can’t wait for the next event.
— Alice Fraser
Meeting new people who take pride in their work and like to meet other like minded people.
— Ian Corless, National Energy Management
The chance to meet new like minded people, with the added bonus of seeing a fantastic speaker.
— Jamie Menzies, The Geelong Advertiser
The speaker was relevant and interesting. It was a good opportunity to network.
— Heidi Sherman, Express Promotions
Just seeing so many other young professionals in one place at one time.
— Nathan Ritchie, Elders Financial Planning
Always great speakers and interesting stories / strategies. I like the networking and social side of it.
— Anonymous
I was privileged to share the story of Cotton On Foundation and my personal journey with The Geelong Young Professionals. The group is an extremely engaging and enthusiastic team of professionals, and it’s brilliant to see that in a city like Geelong we have a net-working group that encourages new thinking, progressive business and that hold a positive, ‘above the line’ attitude towards the progress of our city.
I was really taken by the passion of the group for philanthropy and giving back, they had a true interest and compassion for those who need support in our community and abroad.
— Tim Diamond, Cotton On Foundation
What a great opportunity to stand before a group of young professionals from around the Geelong region and share with them the journey of Offspring. As a grass roots organization I felt honoured to rub shoulders with the likes of Tim Diamond and Karl Waddell who share a similar heart and vision in raising awareness and funds for much needed projects; some in our own back yard and others in areas overseas that are requiring desperate attention. I am always blown away by the community support here in Geelong and am excited to see us continue to grow in our passion and love for others.
— Kristi Van Es, Offspring Inc.
Geelong Young Professionals
C/O Geelong Chamber of Commerce
City Hall, 30 Gheringhap St
Geelong VIC 3220
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